Spring Awareness Campaign with Operation Fuel

Listen below as Renee chats with Brenda Watson, Operation Fuel Inc. CEO, and Emily Basham, Associate, Residential and Deployment Programs at The Connecticut Green Bank!

The ladies share how Operation Fuel assists families with energy assistance programs (even in the warmer months) and advocate for affordable energy. They also share ways to reduce energy costs so that they are more affordable.

Operation Fuel and The Connecticut Green Bank are partnering to educate the community about energy and promote awareness about the ever-present need for donations, year round!

If you want to learn more about Operation Fuel and the CT Green Bank, you can join them at their Lunch & Learn Event!

The Connecticut Green Bank and Operation Fuel are hosting a series of lunch & learns to promote energy efficiency resources available to low to moderate income households throughout our state.

This lunch and learn will provide an update on the Connecticut Green & Healthy Homes Project.

The Connecticut Green & Healthy Homes Project is designed to explore safer and more energy efficient housing as a platform for improved health outcomes through comprehensive, evidence based home interventions. These interventions will seek to generate substantial medical and energy cost savings through improved health outcomes related to asthma, lead poisoning, and household injury along with reductions in energy consumption. The goals of the project are to quantify the degree to which comprehensive housing interventions can cost-effectively produce healthier housing, and can result in energy and healthcare cost savings. The project looks to invest in housing interventions for low- and moderate-income families, and unlock sustainable funding from the health sector to fill the existing gap in resources for green and healthy homes across the state.

Click here to register:



Thursday, June 6th

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



227 Lawrence Street

Hartford, CT

For more info, visit:



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